30 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi

'Rem - Windout' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' Windout - if youre out of wind
Windout - if youre really spent
Windout - if youre young and red

Yeah, tick tock, its tine oclock
Once is good enough, you really go...

So find out - if youre really spent
Find out - if youre out of wind
Windout - if youre out of sin

Winding up


Theres no doubt - that youre feeling fine
No doubt - that youre out of mind
No doubt - that youre young and red

Windout - if youre really spent
Find out - if youre young and red
Windout - if youre out of wind
If youre young and red

Tick tock time to clock my band
Once is good enough, you really go...

Windout, find out, no doubt
Windout, find out, no doubt
Windout, windout, windout

şarkı sözüne aşağıdaki adresten ulaşabilirsiniz. En kaliteli şarkı sözleri, sanatçılara ait fan siteleri bu adreste. Rem - Windout şarkısına Rem sanatçısına ait herşey. http://rem.fanyeri.com/sarkisozu/43653

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