13 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi

'Vandals - The Rodge' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' all you people gather 'round
and get together
no more sitting on your booty
party people it's your duty
you know what i mean
tell your body what to do
it's up to you

now let your tight pants
do a new dance
to the rog
roger thomas is upon us

don't you fight it
do the rodge

can't you see it's so easy
it's now or never, get together
lay it on me, lay it down,
slap me five and gather 'round
the party
is gettin' started
let's act retarded,
no one is carded

şarkı sözüne aşağıdaki adresten ulaşabilirsiniz. En kaliteli şarkı sözleri, sanatçılara ait fan siteleri bu adreste. Vandals - The Rodge şarkısına Vandals sanatçısına ait herşey. http://vandals.fanyeri.com/sarkisozu/120523

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