11 Eylül 2014 Perşembe

'Lamb Of God - Shoulder Of Your God' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' [Digipack bonus

Death lies eternal
A heathen rapture consumes the light
Impaled on its axis,
The world around me lays down to die

Immaculate contraception
The massive beating, opiate
Apocalyptic conception,
Planted, its seething reprobates

Unremitting desolation
There is no reprieve
The end goes

The angel's eyes are gouged with tragedy
The end goes
The fallen host endure mortality
The end goes

A black pasteur,
devoid of the shepherd,
where you choose to dwell

Venomous concepts,
Catalyst of damnation.
Unease filtered through chemical haze
(You're so far gone.)

Sole purveyor of your own unrest.
Go cry on the shoulder of your god
(You're so far gone.)
The catalyst of damnation.

A lone voice in the void,
There is no reprieve.

The end goes

No answer will be found to the endless Why
The end goes
Deeds done in darkness will always come to light
The end goes.

A black pasteur,
devoid of the shepherd,
where you choose to dwell

Venomous concepts,
Catalyst of damnation
Unease filtered through chemical haze
(You're so far gone)

Sole purveyor of your own unrest
Go cry on the shoulder of your god
(You're so far gone)
The catalyst of damnation

The nephlim walk the earth again
Primordial chaos resurrected
The divine narcotic strung-out seraphim
The catalyst, catalyst of damnation

In the code of life, a spiral death, a rattle from within
The healing sties, no answers lie in a world without end

Venomous concepts,
Catalyst of damnation.
Unease filtered through chemical haze
(You're so far gone.)

Sole purveyor of your own unrest
Go cry on the shoulder of your god
(You're so far gone)
The catalyst of damnation

şarkı sözüne aşağıdaki adresten ulaşabilirsiniz. En kaliteli şarkı sözleri, sanatçılara ait fan siteleri bu adreste. Lamb Of God - Shoulder Of Your God şarkısına Lamb Of God sanatçısına ait herşey. http://lambofgod.fanyeri.com/sarkisozu/113798

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