28 Ekim 2014 Salı

'A Change of Pace - How To Rape A Country' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' The beat of war reigns on
Can you hear the sound of marching drums?
And bullets fill the sky
Men kill to show their nation's pride
The smell of death endures
Hold memories of your loved one's close
Find hope in pain my friend
Brother's in arms until the end

Slumber sweet with dreams of home
Hand in hand, don't march alone

We've got a thirst for your blood
It's pumping through our veins
Wait till the moments right
Show no mercy

What do we have to fear?
Lock stock, let's blow them all away
Then hide yourself in sleep
Hopeful they'll take you in the night
Eyes bloodshot, red straining ears
You'll see the ghost inside their eyes
A country left in tears

Watching the flag burn and die

Slumber sweet with dreams of more
Hand in hand, don't march alone

We've got a thirst for your blood
It's pumping through our veins
Wait till the moment arrives
Show no mercy

Dreams of more

We've got a thirst for your blood
(We've got a thirst for your blood)
Wait till the moments right
Show no mercy

We've got a thirst for your blood
It's pumping through our veins
Wait till the moment arrives
Show no mercy
We've got a thirst for your blood
It's pumping through our veins
Wait till the moment arrives
Show no mercy

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