21 Ekim 2014 Salı

'James Lynn Strait - Until Next Time' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' As I sit here all alone and wondering why now once again
all the others weren't enought you had to take another friend
now once again to soon i search for words that just aren't there
I give to you my feelings in a song and with a tear
Somehow close yet still so far
I hold you here deep in my heart
I hope and pray these words you'll hear
that your at peace and free from fear
the question asked full in my rage how could you make this end
just seems so wrong that in his frime you'd go and take my friend
if goodness comes from tragedy then let this be the case
so only thoughs of joy are thought each time we see your face


Why did you have to know
I hope it's not in vain
Cause there has to be a reason
or some goodness in my pain
Passion churning sensess bluring
all the things you taught we learned
some things in life we'll never know
like how much time we're left to go

never fair or justified

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