31 Ekim 2014 Cuma

'Charred Walls Of The Damned - Manifestations' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' Manifestations of the Supernatural
Seldom seen and seldom heard
Wishful thinking by those who are searching
Willing to look past the absurd

Proof of life
Beyond what lies
Before our frightened eyes
What awaits us when we die
Dark walls that surround my mind

Seeking the unknown in a skeptic world
Finding it all hard to believe
Inviting contact with those around us
Look at the darkness tell me what you see

Proof of life
Beyond what lies

Before our frightened eyes
What awaits us when we die
Dark walls that surround my mind

Manifestations of the Supernatural

Many say they've seen them
I don't believe them
I'm trying hard to find the proof
So scared of what lies
On the other side
Set my mind at ease
Show yourself to me

Proof of life
Beyond what lies
Before our frightened eyes
What awaits us when we die
Dark walls that surround my mind

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