2 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

'Combichrist - The Line To The Dead' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' No one should ever want to talk to the dead...
We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.

We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.
(No one should ever want to talk to the dead...)
We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.

No one should ever want to talk to the dead...
We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.

şarkı sözüne aşağıdaki adresten ulaşabilirsiniz. En kaliteli şarkı sözleri, sanatçılara ait fan siteleri bu adreste. Combichrist - The Line To The Dead şarkısına Combichrist sanatçısına ait herşey.

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